Monday, October 17, 2011

Recipe Group info.

Well the first recipe group was a success! Thank you to all that came, it was very fun talking and eating some delicous food!
We have changed the meeting time to the 1st Wednesday of every month the time will still be 7pm.
I have the blog up and going. It is not that cute or fancy but at least it has the calendar up of the theme and place for the next meeting. You do not need to worry about bringing a copy of your recipe for everyone just bring 1 copy so I can add it to the blog. Also if the host could go to and send one to the group stating the address and date and theme that would be great! If you'd like to add your name to the list to host then just email me and I can add you on there along with a theme you'd like.

Here is a list of the calendar for the next few months:

November 2nd
hosted by: Kelly McNeil
theme: Fav. Holiday appetizer

December 7th
hosted by: Elizabeth Cramer
theme: Fav. Non-Soup Crockpot dish

January 4th
hosted by: Whitney Coppin
theme: Soup Night

February 1st
hosted by: Lindsay Blackford
theme: Courting Food <3

March 7th
hosted by: Amy Huish
theme: Chocolate Dish

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